1. I am kind of in love with my mini-fridge. And yes, there is a picture of Louis from One Direction & a macaron magnet. I love her. (My fridge is so tiny & petite, it's obviously a lady fridge.) 2. Yep, still going through my flower phase. 3. The friends & I went rollerblading just for funsies. When I went for my birthday, I fell a bazillion times & have serious bruises from falling still, but this time I didn't fall once! It was magic. 4. I drove down to Newport Beach to have dinner with my sister & my Mom. It was so special, I cried the entire way home from happiness. I miss them so much.//5. Peony season has already come & gone! It makes me sad, but I took full advantage of them when it was their time. 6. I finally bought myself the Jenny Bevlin "Life is short... eat more macarons!" print. It fits perfectly in my kitchen & I love it so. 7. More of sister's kittens. I. AM. OBSESSED. 8. I went to Olive & June nail salon with my bestie Ali & it was the most expensive, most beautiful manicure I've ever received.//9. Matt (Said "boyfriend" in my previous posts. I guess I'll call him by his name now. Ha!) & I went on a spontaneous bowling date after the most delicious dinner EVER. We also danced throughout the bowling alleys, because why not?! 10. Matt also made me breakfast - a breakfast burrito - while I was wearing egg socks. I mean, could that be more perfect?! 11. The couple that mustaches together, shaves together. I mean, stays together. 12. I ordered more prints for my house. Eek! This time from Sweet Peony Press. Love.
13. My sweet cousin Courtney is back from college! We got breakfast for Father's Day & danced in the parking lot. Because I just like to dance everywhere & anywhere. 14. & 15. More from our Father's Day breakfast. 16. For actual Father's Day, I spent part of the day with my Mom & my step-Dad at the beach.//17. Megan, Courtney & I saw "The Fault In Our Stars" & even after crying from the movie, we just HAD to take a picture in the photobooth. You guys, I cannot say "no" to a photobooth. I just can't. 18. Matt & I took a trip during the week to Vegas for his Mom's wedding. He's the CUTEST. He was so excited about the plane, I couldn't stop giggling. 19. Our Vegas adventuring from the first night. Buffets & walks around downtown Vegas. 20. Love me some wedding day Polaroids!//21. & 22. The day after the wedding, we got to hang out by the pool cabanas. Ah. I miss it already. 23. & 24. Oh just a little more from our adventuring.
25. UGH seriously he's precious. He stared out the window during the entire flight. So naturally I had to take sneaky pictures of his cuteness. 26. The weekend after Vegas, we decided we weren't done adventuring so we took a subway adventure all over LA. 27. I WANT A BABY TURTLE FROM CHINATOWN. Oh my crap. One day I will get one. I promise. 28. More from our adventures!//29. My sweet Riley had another birthday! Crazy how that happens, right? We went to dinner to celebrate her birth. I love her so. 30. Matt loves him some "Dad jokes." He told some & cracked himself right up. Gosh, the cuteness. 31. I ordered this AMAZING kitten glitter dress & I am so heartbroken that it doesn't fit. It was a disgusting polyester fabric, so back to the store it went. That's the struggle with online shopping, my friends. 32. I got such a fun manicure at the salon by my house. Half moons, glitter & pink? I die.//33. Two words: Pink. Goldfish. The flavor is "princess," I think they were made for me. 34. As if I didn't go on enough adventures, I went to Palm Springs with my Mom & Courtney. It was so relaxing, I miss it already! 35. - 38. More from Palm Springs! I am now tan & so excited about it. 39. Matt's 21st birthday was on June 30 & right at midnight, we took him to a bar for his first "legal" drink. As friends do! 40. More birthday celebrations!
Ah I love June. July has been pretty great too though, so I'm not complaining!